Provides LIHEAP-specific updates to the HHS Poverty Guidelines. Read More
Mandatory: Formula, Block and Entitlement Grants
Gives guidance for Office of Refugee Resettlement Grantees. Read More
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Employment and Training Administration’s (ETA) and the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) joint Disability Program Navigator (DPN) Initiative
Explains this initiative to help Social Security beneficiaries and other people with disabilities “navigate” through the challenges of seeking work, by providing information, training, and other employment-related services at the One-Stop Career Centers established under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998. Read More
How does the Passport Denial Program work?
Explains that the Passport Denial Program helps child support agencies enforce repayment of debts from noncustodial parents who owe past-due support. Read More
“Resources Specific to People with Disabilities”
General guide with resources to providing trauma informed services specifically to people with disabilities. Read More
Center for Parent Information and Resources c/o Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN)
“All the materials found on the CPIR Hub have been created and archived for Parent Centers around the country to help them provide support and services to the families they serve. The CPIR employs a user-centered process, gathering the perspectives of our experienced audience—Parent Center staff members and other experts—every step of the way, to create products and services that …
Tribal Early Learning Initiative
“A Tribal Early Learning Initiative (TELI) is a partnership between tribal communities and ACF designed to: Better coordinate tribal early learning and development Programs, including child care, Head Start, preschool, home visiting, and other services Create and support seamless, high-quality early childhood systems Raise the quality of services to children and families across the prenatal-to-kindergarten-entry continuum Identify and break down …
Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting
“The Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program provides grants to tribal organizations to implement home visiting Programs in American Indian/Alaska Native communities.” Linked page here contains info about this Program, a list of grantees, guidance to grantees, a list of Program initiatives, data, and more… Link in article is broken, but accessed through the article’s link to …
Center for Parent Information and Resources c/o Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN) – Parent Training and Information Centers (PTIs) and Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs)
“These Centers perform a variety of direct services for children and youth with disabilities, families, professionals, and other organizations that support them. Some of the activities include: Working with families of infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities, birth to 26 Helping parents participate effectively in their children’s education and development Partnering with professionals and policy makers to improve outcomes …
“Developmental and Behavioral Screening”
Partnership to promote Developmental and Behavioral Screening. Includes guidelines, public outreach campaign, screening tool for public use, intervention and prevention strategies Read More