Disability Training for Emergency Planners Serving People with Disabilities

CEU Ohio State University 2015 Disability Training for Emergency Planners: Serving People with Disabilities This is an hour-long training for first responders and emergency planners on inclusive disaster planning for people with disabilities. It provides “information and best practices that will ensure the safety of people with disabilities during emergency events.” Read More

Learn the Signs. Act Early.

Informative program which aims to improve early identification of children with autism and other developmental disabilities so children and families can get the services and support they need. Three components: health education campaign, Act Early Initiative, research and evaluation Read More

Supporting Children with Disabilities: Lessons from the Pandemic

Hammers Forstag, E. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2022 This book, based on a workshop convened by the Board on Children, Youth, and Families, examines which policies and practices implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic could be continued beyond the pandemic to encourage the support of children with disabilities. The authors discuss telehealth, supporting online learning, and home healthcare …

Ambulatory Surgical Center Emergency Operations Plan Template

Mississippi State Department of Health. (2017).  Ambulatory Surgical Center Emergency Operations Plan Template This template may be used to develop an Emergency Operations Plan for an Ambulatory Surgical Center. In addition to the all hazards base plan, the template includes incident-specific annexes. Read More