In 2013, CMS awarded funding for the MFP Tribal Initiative (TI) to five state grantees (Minnesota, Oklahoma, North Dakota, Washington and Wisconsin) to build sustainable community-based long- term services and supports (CB-LTSS) specifically for Indian country. This initiative will make available these services to people with functional limitations or cognitive impairments that need assistance with activities of daily living such as …
UT Housing Related Services and Supports (HRSS) Program
The Housing Related Services and Supports (HRSS) Program provides housing-related services and supports in the form of tenancy support, community transition and supportive living services to Medicaid members experiencing homelessness, food insecurity, transportation insecurity, interpersonal violence and/or trauma. HRSS services are provided under the authority of Utah’s 1115 Demonstration Waiver. Having a cognitive impairment fills the eligibility requirement. Read More
Day Habilitation / Transition Services
Day Habilitation includes assistance with acquisition, retention, or improvement in self-help, socialization and adaptive skills that takes place in a nonresidential setting, separate from the participant’s private residence. This service is provided to participants who demonstrate a need based on cognitive, social, and/or behavioral deficits such as those that may result from an acquired brain injury. Read More
Community Living Supports
CLS is provided to CHOICES members with higher acuity of need who are likely to require supports and or supervision twenty four (24) hours per day due to the following reasons: advanced dementia or significant cognitive disability that impacts the member’s ability to make decisions, perform activities of daily living or instrumental activities of daily living, including behaviors which place …