Missouri Substance Use Disorder & Serious Mental Illness Demonstration

This demonstration gives the state federal financial participation (FFP) for providing otherwise covered services to the state’s Medicaid beneficiaries who are short-term residents in settings where services would not otherwise be covered because the settings qualify as institutions for mental diseases (IMDs). Specifically, this demonstration would cover treatment for serious mental illness (SMI) and substance use disorder (SUD). Read More

MO Medically Fragile Adult Waiver 

Provides waiver attendant care, private duty nursing, and specialized medical supplies to individuals who are medically fragile ages 21 or older and individuals with developmental disabilities ages 21 or older who meet an ICF/IID level of care. Read More

MO Partnership for Hope Waiver

Provides a wide range of services and supports to individuals with autism, intellectual disabilities, or developmental disabilities ages 0 or older who meet an ICF/IID level of care. Read More