Explains that PWD are more likely to experience homelessness. Includes several Programs to combat homelessness and core knowledge/solutions for homelessness. Read More
Pediatric Specialty Loan Repayment Program
This Program eligible clinicians providing pediatric medical subspecialty money to repay loans for their schooling. Read More
Mental Health First Aid
A skills-based training course that teaches participants about mental health and substance-use issues. Read More
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) KIT
This resource is a toolkit offers tools to implement the evidence-based practice of Assertive Community Treatment (ACT). ACT offers customized, community-based services for people living with mental illness. The toolkit includes a brochure (English, Spanish), a PowerPoint presentation, and an introductory video. Read More
Mental Health Programs
The objectives of the IHS Mental Health Program are to: 1) promote positive mental health services including efforts aimed at primary prevention of mental and emotional disorders 2) offer early intervention at the onset of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders to restore and improve patient/client level of functioning 3) offer educational, consultative, research and other support services focused on AI/AN …
Project LAUNCH
Project LAUNCH grants are authorized under Section 520A of the Public Health Service Act, as amended. The purpose of this Program is to promote the wellness of young children, from birth to 8 years of age, by addressing the social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and behavioral aspects of their development, preparing young children to thrive in school and beyond. Seems focused …
The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention
Established in 2010, the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Action Alliance) is the nation’s public-private partnership for suicide prevention, working with more than 250 national partners to advance the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention. Current Action Alliance priority areas include: transforming health systems, transforming communities, and changing the conversation. This seems like more of a network for partnership, not …
Question. Persurade. Refer. Institute
Training for professionals, organizations, and individuals in the general public to learn how to prevent suicide Read More
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center is supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), under Grant No. 1H79SM083028-03 Also focused on suicide prevention – resources for communities, schools, healthcare providers, faith communities, …
Project AWARE (NH)
“The NH Department of Education (NH DOE) will lead this effort through the Office of Social & Emotional Wellness, which is part of the Bureau of Student Wellness, Division of Learner Support, in partnership with the Bureaus of Student Support and Instructional Support as well as the Bureau for Children’s Behavioral Health within the NH Department of Health and Human …