State Plan Amendment (SPA) #: 20-0013

“DMAS shall provide a fixed per day payment for nursing facility residents with TBI served in the program in accordance with resident and provider criteria, in addition to the reimbursement otherwise payable under the provisions of the Nursing Home Payment System. Effective for dates of service on and after August 19, 1998, a per day rate add-on shall be paid for recipients who meet the eligibility criteria for these TBI payments and who are residents in a designated nursing facility TBI unit of 20 beds or more that meets the provider eligibility criteria. The rate add-on for any qualifying provider’s fiscal year shall be reviewed annually to determine the appropriateness of the amount, not to exceed $50 per patient day, and any changes will be published and distributed to the providers. (Refer to NHPS, Appendix VII, page 1 (12VAC30-90- 330), Traumatic brain injury diagnoses, for related resident and provider requirements.)”

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