In a blog post for the Independent Women’s Forum Able Americans Senior Advisor Melissa Ortiz writes, “America celebrated the life of a beloved president last week. We watched the Bush family and the nation mourn. We heard wonderful memories about the late President.” “As it happens, I have my own memory of President George H.W. Bush.” “During the 1992 presidential campaign, …
A woman blessed by the ADA
In her opinion piece for Administration for Community Living, Able Americans Senior Advisor Melissa Ortiz writes, “Maria von Trapp writes in her book, The Story of the von Trapp Family Singers, about her youngest son’s first communion. Johannes gleefully announced, “Now it’s MY turn; now I am coming for a change.” In other words, “I am going to participate. I won’t be …
I’m a Woman with a Disability Who Voted for Donald Trump. Here’s Why
In her opinion piece for Time, Able Americans Senior Advisor Melissa Ortiz writes, “My whole life I have cast off the labels and stereotypes others foisted upon me. Thus, politics-by-category annoys me. Unfortunately, in the 2016 presidential election cycle, America seemed convinced by the narrative that the winner could be predicted by the number of voters who fit into the categories embodied …
As Colorado Legalizes Assisted Suicide, Don’t Be Conned by the Agenda of Death
In her opinion piece for The Daily Signal, Able Americans Senior Advisor Melissa Ortiz writes, “Campaign season 2016 is officially over. As I sat in stunned elation watching the last of the presidential returns filter in during the wee hours of the morning, my heart was also broken.” “While we as a nation voted in the most pro-life platform in history, …